Tuesday, August 30, 2005

An Ounce of Prevention...

With all the buzz in the media lately about Free-Radicals, Antioxidants, Vitamin and Mineral supplements. I felt it appropriate to give you a little bit more than the snipettes you get from some media sources that seem to only report what the Pharmaceutical Companies and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) want you to hear. Make no mistake, pharmaceuticals and Government are BIG business. Big business ALWAYS puts profit above all else, that includes YOUR health. You don't believe me? Well, consider the $250 MILLION dollar judgment, not settlement, but judgment against Merck recently in Texas. The lawsuit claimed that Merck knew its product Vioxx was unsafe and low-and-behold twelve jurors agreed. Merck had reportedly set aside over $750 million dollars for these type of lawsuits, but didn't anticipate the amount of the first judgment to be so high. So what price tag can you put upon a human life? I personally feel the cost of a human life is, to coin Visa's term, "priceless."

Merck still faces about four thousand pending individual lawsuits for the same thing. Experts say this could literally Bankrupt the worlds largest Pharmaceutical Company.

Merck, in my opinion, is responsible for many deaths, but what about the government? What about the FDA? Should not the Food and Drug Administration have some level of culpability for the deaths of countless people. After all, who in the hell approved the mass marketing of Vioxx for public consumption? Answer, the government did. The FDA, which is a government agency, approved Vioxx for public consumption, yet virtually no one looks at the way the FDA policies and procedures might be a conflict of interest. Heck, the only public light that has been shown on the FDA recently, was a few months ago, when it came out that Statins (cholesterol lowering medications) and other popular pharmaceutical medications could kill you. Before that, I cannot even think of when the last time the FDA was scrutinized. But, the FDA went into full damage control at that point. They had to publicly admit that statins were dangerous, something the FDA had known for years. The FDA has even pulled a popular government tactic. When your in an unfavorable spotlight, divert the public's attention. How did they do that you ask? Well, is it just a coincidence that the FDA's new food pyramid came out about the same time and was heavily marketed on television and radio? Think about it, why else would they abandon the old pyramid at this particular time. I mean, they got to take credit for establishing guidelines like the "recommended daily allowance" (RDA) that eliminated deficiency diseases, like Rickets, Scurvy, and Berry-berry. Problem is, these diseases were eliminated decades ago.

Science has advanced in leaps and bounds on the benefits of good nutrition and nutritional supplements like multi vitamins and minerals. Benefits like prevention of illness and disease. Yes, with proper nutrition and exercise, you can actually prevent the diseases we fear most. At the very least, drastically reduce your chances of contracting illness or disease. So why then, has it taken so long for the FDA to update the guidelines? Answer, there hasn't been any incentive to do so.

The special interests like Pharmaceutical Companies have the FDA in their pockets.

THEY (pharmaceutical companies) pay the FDA to keep quiet about benefits of proper nutrition. After all, healthy people means a loss to the Pharmaceutical companies in the hundreds of MILLIONS and potentially BILLIONS of dollars in net profits. Healthy people don't need drugs in most cases. No drug use means no money for the drug pushers.

THEY pay the FDA to keep quiet about the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs. The more you perceive a drug to be safe and beneficial to your immediate recovery of an illness or disease, the more likely you are to use it and keep using it. More drug use equates to huge profits for pharmaceutical companies.

THEY pay money to expedite the FDA approval process for whatever drug they happen to be seeking approval for at the time. Think about it, over the past 40 to 50 years, pharmaceutical drugs have literally flooded the market. You can virtually find a drug to treat the symptoms of just about any illness or disease you may have or contract at some point in the future. But, when it comes to prevention of these illnesses and diseases through what nature already provides in abundance, we are still in the 1930's and 1940's. That is because the nutritional industry creates direct competition to the pharmaceutical companies. I say again, healthy people do not need drugs in most cases.

So then that brings up the question of supplements not being regulated as long as they don't make any health claims. It is my opinion that this is intentional. Let me explain. By not regulating the supplement industry, you allow for any "crack-pot" to come up with the proverbial "magic pill." This in turn, allows for the supplement industry to discredit themselves and potentially implode or self-destruct, thus eliminating any real competition. But the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA did not count on the supplement industry to start regulating themselves. They didn't count on actual scientists respected in their fields of study to push forth on the proven science regardless of where it came from. This has caused the FDA to re-evaluate its partisanship with the pharmaceutical industry or fear losing all trust within the American public. You lose trust, you lose control. Hence, the timely renewed recommended daily allowance (RDA) standard served two purposes. #1 - It diverted the public's attention from the real relationship the FDA and pharmaceutical industry have. #2 - It shows the government (FDA) is making strides (purely academic or transparent) to keep our best interests at heart when it comes to health and wellness.

Again, I draw your attention to how long it has taken to update the RDA. The science has been their for over 40 years. Where has the FDA been? We in the general public never get to hear about that stuff. We never get to hear about the scientists that helped develop the new RDA guidelines and how their findings on increased nutrients would literally help PREVENT illness and disease. No, these scientists that were key in the development of the new RDA standards have never been allowed to publicly report on all the scientific findings. They have been limited as to what they can tell the general public. Don't worry though, the FDA is just looking out for us. After all, doesn't the government truly know what's best for our health?

I say regulate the nutritional supplement industry and let ALL the scientific evidence land where it may. I venture to say, you will see many pharmaceutical companies going out of business. At the very least, they will jump ship and begin developing nutritional supplements.

In conclusion, I strongly believe in prevention. I don't believe the pharmaceutical companies look for cures because there is no profit in finding a cure. Well there is, but it is a one time sale. Which would make it difficult to even cover the costs of development. No, the real profits are in addiction. Keep the customer coming back. Treat the symptom and they will continue to use the drug. I do however, believe that prescription medications can be beneficial. They can help when your nutritional regimen just doesn't work. Like when your genetics don't cooperate and you have high blood pressure no matter how much exercise you get or how many fruits and vegetables you eat. I just don't agree with the government (FDA) NOT being impartial and telling both sides of the story.

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Friday, August 19, 2005

Out of Time!

It never fails to amaze me at how backwards the thinking is of most people when it comes to their own health. The conditioning of the mind from childhood, is one of receiving instant gratification and if results are not produced instantaneously, we move on in most cases, searching for that "something" which will produce immediate results or satisfaction. For most, the only thing we are willing to wait for or work for is perceived wealth. But even then, our patience can wear thin when it does not come as fast as we expect. For most people, when it comes to wealth or how to achieve it, again the thinking or conditioning of the mind is backwards. Most consider the old adage of trading time for money (your "9 to 5") to be the gateway to wealth. Receiving that weekly paycheck is enough to convince most people to return back to work again and again. The definition of insanity is - "doing the same things over and over, expecting different results." Putting all of the profits on the company's books instead of in YOUR pocket is insane. After all, don't the employees do the bulk of the work?
For most, if we can at least work hard until retirement age 65, we have reached the pinnacle of success. We can collect a good pension, 401k or whatever plan happens to be the "Shiz-nit" at the time. Here is the problem with this way of thinking. Working for the same company for 25 to 30 years just doesn't happen anymore. Further, for the few companies that DO still have employees that have been there for multiple years, their retirement plans and benefits are being reduced to nothing (United Airlines comes to mind). But the most egregious mistake that happens during all of this is that we often trade our health in pursuit of that all-mighty paycheck (perceived wealth). Rushed lunches, fast food, no lunch, traffic commutes, job stress and multiple other factors all take a toll on your health. Multiply these negative health factors by days, months and years and you have a formula for serious health problems down the road. My mother is a perfect example of this.
For years (25 to be exact) my mother worked for Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), she was the only FAB trainer at the company. When people were hired to come and make the wafers in FAB clean rooms wearing bunny suits, they had to first complete her extensive training class. At that time AMD was a close second to Intel for chip making (IC's) and currently is probably Intel's biggest competitor.
Needless to say an influx of Asian product (chips) flooded the U.S. market causing not profits to U.S. companies, but record losses. End result, cuts were made and you guessed it, my mother's position was eliminated. This was over 10 years ago. Since then my mother has had to retrain in a completely different field. She basically had to start over and went from the Semi-conductor industry to the medical field. But the worst part is her health is currently very poor. She sacrificed her health over the years, just to try and get ahead at AMD. Now, she is pushing 61 years of age and as she puts it, "doesn't have a pot to piss in." She is currently seeking my advice on becoming healthier and is now spending what few pennies she has to regain her health. Ironic, isn't it? Most of our lives we spend our health to gain wealth, but when we finally "get it" we have reached the latter stages of our lives and then turn right around and spend our wealth to regain our health.
unfortunately, my mother is literally out of time. She was and is like most in her position, ignoring her health. Sacrificing the things that she should have been doing in order to strive for the things she wanted to be doing. The common perception is that there is not enough time to do both and that you can at some point catch up on the health part. But catching up on your current crisis never seems to happen and before you know it you are close to retirement age "without a pot to piss in".
I am currently helping my mother and she is making some progress, but she is having to change her paradigm (her way of thinking/the way she views things) in order to progress. She has realized that doing this will mean the difference between LIVING her remaining years as opposed to simply existing. It is not an easy transition for her, but she realizes that she has to let go of the old way of thinking. "Work hard for years and you will be rewarded with a good retirement at the end." For her, that doesn't exist anymore.

Besides nutrition, I am also teaching my mother about generating multiple streams of income. She is learning that if she is going to make it before time runs out, she has to work extra hard. If she is going to make it, it IS ultimately up to her. Her best ally is learning to use the tool of leverage. I have now shown her the "POT", now she just has to...well, you know! For any of you who have found yourself in the same boat as my mother, feel free to take a look at the "POT". It is one of many income streams that I can teach anyone to use.
~"To believe in yourself is to believe that you can achieve optimal health and wealth."~

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Friday, August 12, 2005

The REWARDS are endless!

Well, as much as I would love to have you guys "post" your questions to me on my blog, it seems your preferred method is to e-mail me privately...ok, that works too. Perhaps as the popularity grows, people will become more comfortable posting, instead of ALL e-mail. That way, maybe multiple people with the same or similar questions can have them answered too.

That said, there are a few frequently asked questions that have come up several times through your e-mails regarding products, which is the reason for this particular post.

1. Question: Are there any discounts for the products promoted on your blog? Or, How can I purchase the products at a discounted rate (wholesale)?

Answer: Yes, our Automatic Delivery Rewards program (ADR) is just as the name implies. When you find the products that are right for you, and if you sign up to have them delivered to you on a monthly basis (recurring), you will receive those products at wholesale/ADR pricing. In addition, as long as you remain in the ADR program, you will receive 20% in credits on any order total. Those credits may be used towards trying new products or to further discount the products you are already receiving on ADR. Credits are dollar for dollar ($1 = 1 credit) and after 1 year of your ADR program participation, your 20% increases to 30% on any order total.

2. Question: Is there any guarantee on products promoted here or through the product links?

Answer: Yes, simply return any product for any reason and your money will be refunded to you. No questions asked, only satisfaction guaranteed.

3. Question: Do you have any additional products other than what has been promoted on your blog? If so, where can I find them?

Answer: Yes, we have many products specifically formulated to meet the diverse Nutritional and Skin Care needs of everyone in your family. In addition, we also have a Technology division which provides the latest products and services for Home Office and Small Office (SOHO). It also includes our online BP Mall and has everything you could possibly be shopping for and much, much more than your neighborhood malls. All products can be found at the product links of this blog. Spend some time visiting the product links, because I can promise you this, the deeper you dig the more you will like what we have to offer. Our quality, safety, efficacy and convenience is unmatched in the industry...let us prove it.

May I have YOUR business?

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Friday, August 05, 2005

I have seen the mountain top!

Photo taken by Lyn Topinka, 1984
Courtesy of USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory

I am often asked for my opinion on many different subjects. Especially when it comes to nutrition and exercise. Having been an athlete for the first half of my life, I have become well versed in nutrition, physical fitness and living a particular lifestyle. But, as I begin the second half of my life I am forced to step back and re-evaluate. As age and, well, life grabs hold, even the best of us can get off track. I am no exception.

I have seen the mountain top (been extremely fit), been there and made it my home for many years. But, then I took my abilities and knowledge for granted. So much so, that I "flirted" with the cliff's edge upon that mountain top one too many times, and tumbled ALL THE WAY DOWN, becoming overweight and sedentary.

One day I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize the person looking back. At that moment, my life as I knew it, changed forever! I was no longer this physically fit person with the "killer" smile and wash board abs, I was a fading smile with a couple of chins and a washing MACHINE for abs to boot. As time went on my sorrow and self pity grew into border lined depression. I had hit bottom and was tumbling towards that GIANT CREVASSE (for you Eiger Sanction types) or CHASM (for you Hawaiian Volcanoe types), that had opened up in the earth at sea level (I live in California). When suddenly a faint voice broke through all of that murky darkness of "obesity oblivion" and grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me back from certain dispair. The voice was that of my wife. I will never forget the day or time when I heard it. Nor will I forget what she said. She said, "I think it is time for both of us to start getting back into shape, will you help me?" Just as suddenly as my tumble down that mountain began a few years ago, 4 to 5 to be exact, so to, had it abruptly stopped.
I got up dusted myself off and am currently 3/4 of the way back up the mountain. Man, is it a long, steep mountain. But I am climbing none-the-less.

I used to look at people who were over-weight not in disgust or a discriminatory fashion, but one of being perplexed. I just didn't understand that if certain people were that unhappy with being overweight, then why didn't they do something about it? BOY, DID I HAVE A RUDE AWAKENING! As I am currently on the come-back trail to optimal health, being overweight is extremely tough. Everything changes, your emotional, mental, and physical well-being all literally SHUT DOWN! You become literally trapped within yourself with every aspect of your personal life working against you. I have a newly found respect for people battling being over-weight and obesity.

Perhaps, life was trying to teach me something. Which is why I do all I can to help educate anyone looking for answers. I have been at the bottom of the mountain fighting the "weight" battle and I have to tell you, anyone, AND I MEAN ANYONE who stays down there too long inevitably loses that battle. As long as it is within my power, that is one place that I shall never return. And as long as I am able, I will help anyone looking to ascend "their" mountain.

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