Friday, March 25, 2005

Mining For Gold (information)

Mining For Gold

Providing reputable resources of information continues to be a challenge. Sifting through all of the garbage, verifying sources to find impartial or non-biased information that you can use, yes it really is quite challenging, as well as, time consuming. But, in and of itself, is very rewarding when said sources are finally discovered. I feel I have located a few such sources and in doing so, will add them to this blog via links to the right and links in this post.

Providing such resources of information is intended to assist you on your quest of "health and wellness" and at the same time limiting your subjection to advertisements and "pop-up" ads once you surf away from my blog via hyper-links. Having said that, I have no control over what others put on their sites in the way of advertisements etc. I ask that all of you give me feedback so that I can re-evaluate any such sites linked to my blog, that consider advertising to be more important than the information provided rendering such information useless.

The links to this blogspot under the "resources" category listed to the right of this blogspot, have been evaluated and considered to be very useful sources of information with little to no advertising or "pop-ups". If any of you have come across any sources that you would like evaluated or think should be added to the "resources" category of this blogspot I would like to hear from you.

Newly Added Resources

Through all of my research and web surfing for useful information, I stumbled onto a website purely by accident, RRTC: Health & Wellness Consortium. What makes this site so interesting or unique is that it is a resource tailored to those individuals with medical disabilities or those whom may have a "loved-one" living with a medical disability. It is a Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR).

RRTC: Health & Wellness Consortium conducts research and training to support the health and wellness of persons with long term disabilities. Intended to specifically address the conditions of cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, post-polio syndrome, amputation and spinal cord injury. They believe their website, as do I, "will be of interest and value to all persons with disabilities, and, in fact, all persons without disabilities as well."

MedlinePlus Trusted Health Information for You will direct you to information to help answer health questions. MedlinePlus brings together, by health topic, authoritative information from NLM, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), other government, non-profit and other health-related organizations. Preformulated MEDLINE searches are included in MedlinePlus and give easy access to the medical research literature. It also provides you with a database of full-text drug information and an illustrated medical encyclopedia.

Magazines are perhaps one of the most, if not the most subjective, biased and agendized sources of information going today. But, occasionally a magazine comes along that goes against traditional unsubstantiated hype to provide you the reader, with useful, factual, sound information. One such magazine is called Prevention.

As far as reading goes, this particular magazine is tailored towards women providing useful tips, articles, resources and information on health, fitness, food & nutrition, weight loss, beauty and home & family. All of this information can be accessed through the Prevention website without pressure to subscribe to the magazine. For those who like to have material in hand however, a subscription to this particular magazine is definitely recommended.

Read more!